I wonder if I put a few words here?

Author: xiaotong

Assignment 3

Looking back at the previous modules, I was primed to recognize and try out many of the tools. Not only did I learn about many new teaching models, but I also learned about many tools that support teaching and learning. For example, twine and H5P were completely new to me, but I didn’t feel unfamiliar with their uses. If you are a person who imparts knowledge, the flexible use of these tools can help to convey the knowledge better. And I think these two tools are more for those who teach knowledge to have a clearer logic to express the content.

Also, there are some new things I learned about AI. For example, I know more aspects of AI systems. The ones that can generate images, music, videos, etc. But in my attempts I am more certain that AI is not creative. It is more of just an amalgamation of existing human material. So, when it comes to teaching, AI can be an aid, but not without the ability to be a standalone solution.

Overall, after learning about so many new tools, I have found that the use of these tools can be a huge time saver. It can also add fun to some teaching. But it’s mostly about human thinking and there needs to be clear considerations and decisions to use these tools better. As for students receiving knowledge, tools of the type similar to H5P fall into the category of tools that allow for active learning. The multimedia model of teaching and learning may be the students’ favorite way of learning. But passive learning is also indispensable. The diversity of teaching can be increased, but the intensity of teaching should not be weakened. This is a very difficult point to balance.

Module 3 post— https://xiaotong.opened.ca/2024/03/01/module-3/

module 3 comment—https://timedci337.opened.ca/2024/03/02/module-3-storytelling-and-creating-video/

Module 4 post—https://xiaotong.opened.ca/2024/03/11/78/

module 4 comment—https://yifanedci337.opened.ca/2024/03/11/module-4-principles-of-learning-design-and-active-learning-mar-3-16/

Module 5 post—https://xiaotong.opened.ca/2024/03/24/module-5-generative-ai-and-evaluating-content-and-tools-for-learning/

module 5 comment—https://timedci337.opened.ca/2024/03/29/module-5-generative-ai-and-evaluating-content-and-tools-for-learning/?unapproved=4&moderation-hash=190a468fb39e6a89ec5d724497ab4b08#comment-4

Assignment 3 comment—https://timedci337.opened.ca/2024/03/30/assignment-3/#comment-5

Module 5: Generative AI and Evaluating Content and Tools for Learning

This is the H5P that I tried to create following the demo. the use of chatgpt made the process of constructing this very easy and simple. He was able to do this operation of creating questions in a very short time. I think this is useful. However, just entering keywords and creating questions to ask questions like this is not enough during instruction. Because, these questions are not always in line with the content of the textbook and do not always ask detailed questions. If used as a teaching tool, the questions should be appropriately adapted to the teaching knowledge.

This is a video I made using Runway.ml. You need to upload a photo as a negative yourself, and the software will add some editing on top of that. And you can write down some of your requirements. So what I wrote for this requirement was a snowy view from a window in a cozy house. And this result came out and I was not satisfied with it. It was a very boring edit which added the dynamics of snow for me. And it’s a very fake special effect.

This is an AI drawing I made using Stable Diffusion. It was made based on a sentence of my instructions, description. My idea was that it would be a drawing of a house made with flowers and trees. However the AI gave me more of an unimaginative and creative picture. The drawing of the house was curing the concept of the house and he could not realize the idea of building a house using plants as I had imagined. This shows that the AI is still based on all the information available to humans and pulls up relevant images based on instructions. For that matter, the AI doesn’t give good creative ideas when it comes to art. Perhaps in some cases where creativity is not needed, one might be able to use AI to produce some images that are under common sense.

After trying these three different AI software, I believe that AI has certain flaws and it is important to use AI tools wisely. Whether you utilize the framework of SECTION or TRACK, a human being is required in order to develop content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. Technology can only be matched to knowledge with a clear purpose of imparting it. Let’s take the problem of creating H5P using chatgpt as an example. If the person giving the instruction is not clear about what he/she is teaching, the questions created using AI will not work well. Other AI tools, such as the two that we have, can give students some insights, but the ability to convey pedagogical knowledge is yet to be considered.


Quake Quiz Creation. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 24 Mar. 2023, chat.openai.com/chat.

Picture generate. Stable diffusion, 2024 Black Technology LTD, 24 Mar. 2023, https://stablediffusionweb.com/app/image-generator.

Video generate. Runway.ml, Gen-2, 24 Mar. 2023, https://app.runwayml.com/video-tools/teams/shannonfang17/ai-tools/gen-2.

Module 4: Principles of Learning Design and Active Learning


Enhancing active learning in low-tech game-based learning scenarios such as Historia can use multimedia tools and content to provide additional resources and support for students. For example, I once had a teacher in my high school who led us in playing family feud. to help us prepare for test content. I think this is a great example because the level of engagement was very high. Learning in an intense and fun atmosphere is very helpful for students.

passive and active learning

The balance between passive and active learning may vary depending on the teaching method and the nature of the content. In some courses, there may be a greater emphasis on passive learning through lectures and readings, while in other courses there may be more opportunities for active learning through discussions, group projects, and hands-on activities. In contrast to my own experience, I believe that a balance between passive and active learning is desirable because it allows students to engage with the material in a variety of ways and promotes deeper understanding and retention. While passive learning may be boring, much of the knowledge from passive learning supports active learning. So I think the two accomplish each other. Just like our course, I think it is an independent learning oriented learning strategy. Every time I study a module, I learn by browsing articles and videos, and the lectures are not too heavy for me. And every time there will be new software to experience, the process of digging by myself makes me better understand the existence of some knowledge in the reality of the role.

Β Students Need to DO Something

In the reading, Students Need to DO Something, the author discusses the prevalence of passive learning in K-12 classrooms and the need for a more active, hands-on approach to education. Passive learning has dominated much of my career as a student. A variety of factors such as traditional teaching methods, standardized testing requirements, and limited resources to implement innovative teaching strategies. There were a handful of active learning courses that are the ones that stick with me the most. Because it was new and interesting to me. Project-based learning allows students to collaborate on real-world problems and engage in meaningful hands-on learning experiences. I think it is very necessary to incorporate active learning strategies.


H5P surprised me because the experience was new. At first it was fumbling to learn how to use it, but he tool is extensive and quick to get started. In getting to know this tool, I realized that it offers a great help to students’ learning. Teachers can check whether students have grasped the main points in time, and solid knowledge. It can not only reduce the dullness of passive learning, but also increase the learning experience of some independent learning. I think it is a good tool to use when teaching some boring knowledge. Of course, it would also be useful for K-12 or younger children as it helps them focus and reinforce their knowledge.

Lesson Planning Template

Big idea

  • By the end of the course learners will understand the formation of the most basic color rings and what they mean.

learning outcomes

  • Learners can extend the three primary colors to create three other colors and complete the simplest color ring. And learn some ideas about how colors are presented and used.

evidence of learning

  • For this goal, the video’s easy-to-understand pictorial style of instruction coupled with timely questions consolidates knowledge.


  • Learners will run through several tests to provide evidence of their learning.

learning activities

  • They will gain some basic knowledge points about colors and the presentation of these will be reflected in their drawing or color understanding.

Assignment 2

The learning objective of this video is to teach a simple piece of work for beginners of chenille stems. Hopefully, it will attract some new hobbyists to the joys of this craft. I think the video format is better for scholars to follow and learn. This is because it is difficult to show each step of the arts and crafts accurately with the illustrations. And the video is a 3D view which can be simple and clear for beginners to follow. I covered Mayer’s Segmenting Principle and I tried to keep the video under 5 minutes. To do this I edited the extra parts and sped up my video. And Mayer’s Coherence Principle has been maintained as much as possible, I have only one focus in my footage. I think these two principles are important for learning content. Because for a manual instruction, if there are other things in the frame, it is easy to distract the viewer, and secondly, if the video is too long, it will be boring and uninteresting.
Shooting this video was challenging, and it was very difficult for me to balance the movement of my hands with the explanation. It was also challenging to express the hand movements. The easiest part was that my logic was very clear when I wrote the script. I simply wrote down sentences and flows to remind me what to say at each stage. It just wasn’t as easy as expected when I started filming. Next time I would like to use ai voice reading as a voice over. I think it would make up for my weakness in expression.

Module 3

Meaningful learning experiences often begin with engaging stories that capture the audience’s attention and stir their emotions. For example, this story appealed to all senses, including visualization, auditory engagement (through dialogue or narration), and emotional resonance. I have a vivid memory of a class I once took where that professor shared with us what he used to do and some of what he does now. He talked about how he once worked for a newspaper and went to interview a celebrity when he only had a very brief time to make an appointment. He told this story to show us that time is precious. That’s why he didn’t allow tardiness in his classroom. I remember this story very well. The story illustrates the problem, challenge, or concept in a relevant and memorable way that makes the learning experience more impactful.

Among the storytelling techniques highlighted in the article “7 Storytelling Techniques Used by the Most Inspirational TED Speakers,” Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was a standout speaker with her talk titled, “The Danger of a Single Story. “. Adichie’s storytelling techniques included interweaving personal anecdotes with broader social commentary, using vivid imagery and relevant examples to convey her message. She employs techniques of personalization and vulnerability, which helps her connect with her audience on a deeper level.

Other techniques highlighted in the article include using humor, employing suspense, incorporating visuals, and effectively constructing a narrative. Every speaker can use a combination of these techniques to make their presentations more engaging and memorable.

I prefer storytelling techniques that naturally incorporate humor or personal anecdotes into their storytelling because it’s what resonates most quickly and attentively for me as an audience member.

I tried using Twine to write a story and at first I was very confused because I couldn’t connect my paragraphs. Anyway it took some time to dig in and it was still easy. I wrote a small section of the story and realized it wasn’t easy. First of all you need to know exactly where your plot is going and have a clear logical relationship. I was not using interaction to write. But I don’t think it’s really a simple thing to do.

Sure, it’s fun that way if as a learner. I enjoyed when going in for the demo stage. There is the feeling of digging into the story step by step. And, it would be more interesting if it was more detailed and large story content. After all, if you have trouble following it you can always find the passage to connect.

Assignment 1-Module 1&2

Module 1 post: https://xiaotong.opened.ca/2024/01/21/module-1-theories-of-multimedia-learning/

Module 1 Comment post: https://xiaochanmao.opened.ca/2024/01/20/module-1-theories-of-multimedia-learning/

Module 2 post: https://xiaotong.opened.ca/2024/02/04/module-2-design-principles-aimed-at-creating-inclusive-experiences/

Module 2 comment post: https://timedci337.opened.ca/2024/02/07/module-2-design-principles-for-effective-and-accessible-multimedia/

Module 2-design principles aimed at creating inclusive experiences

I tried running the WAVE accessibility report and my blog page appeared with multiple small icons and each icon had some corresponding explanation and fix. This was a pleasant surprise for me as it covers the whole page and goes down to every text or link. The fixes it mentions are well justified and provide ample explanations that are easy to understand, and WAVE works well to help people identify issues that may have been overlooked or not considered important.

With regard to the text-to-speech feature there is no doubt that it is very helpful to individuals with visual impairments or learning disabilities. I have tried several text-to-speech programs. I found Speechify and NaturalReader to have the closest sound and intonation to a real human voice. And I liked that they had the feature of being able to choose a favorite voice. I think it will affect the efficiency of the listener to receive the information. Secondly, Read Aloud, although it is the easiest shortcut extension, has a very bad sound and speech rate. As you can see from my screenshot, it can read aloud selected text at any time, but as a user I can only do basic things like read aloud or pause. This resulted in me not really wanting to listen on. I think the different voices affect the user experience because certain voices will be clearer, and choosing your favorite voice will also help the user understand the content better. Especially for visually impaired learners, their preferred voice will also give them a more comfortable and reassuring feeling.

Module 1: Theories of Multimedia Learning

For this screenshot I am using the tool in zoom. This is the first time I have used this tool. I teach about how to quickly practice taking pictures. I chose not to show my face only the ppt. I think my audience will be people who are just starting out or want to learn some photo techniques instantly. In my PowerPoint I reduced the amount of text and instead used pictures as the main body. Because I think I need to use photos to learn more about this topic.

I had some difficulties in completing this project. Firstly, zoom’s screenshot tool is only 2 minutes long at a time which caused me to end the presentation before I finished. So I had to separate the two videos and then I edited them into one video. Secondly, I was often faced with a blank head on the way to the presentation. This resulted in my video viewing not being as smooth as it could have been. Third, I’ve noticed that my sound will be lower at the beginning of the video but then go back to normal after a few seconds. I’m guessing this is caused by the settings on the recording tool not being adjusted properly.

In this module I learned that there is a lot to be said for watching a teacher in class. Just like the cognitive load theory, overloading one’s capacity will lead to a decrease in learning efficiency. Multimedia learning is to present knowledge in multiple aspects, which is conducive to reducing cognitive load. Then there is the principle of redundancy, the repetition of information is to be avoided. And people learn better from graphics and narratives. This is the same theory that I try to apply in my screencast videos. Using lots of photos and narration to convey knowledge.

Below is my video. Thank you for watching.

About me

My name is Xiaotong Fang, you can call me Shannon. This is my last term in Uvic. My major is Economics. This is my first Edci course. Hope we achieve our goal in this class. What’s more, I like traveling, love music. Happy to know you guys!

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